About Pi

Time for change?

Privacy Policy


This policy has been developed to ensure People Intelligence Recruitment Pty Ltd (Pi) complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Act) and Australian Privacy Principles.

This Privacy Statement is based on Pi’s understanding of how the Privacy Act works. If you wish, please seek separate legal advice on the application of the Privacy Act for your particular situation.


This policy applies to all personal information collected by Pi. We use personal information in order to provide recruitment services on behalf of both candidates and clients. We only collect personal information that is useful to this process. Examples of this information includes:

  • contact details;
  • application form;
  • covering letter;
  • your CV;
  • professional references;
  • proof of eligibility to work in Australia;
  • interview notes

Personal information is defined in the Act as information about an individual who can be identified, or whose identity could be reasonably ascertained, from the information. 

Collection of Personal Information

Personal information collected and/or maintained by Pi must be relevant to the purpose for which it is sought, must be accurate, up-to-date and complete, and must not intrude to an unreasonable extent upon the personal affairs of the individual to whom it relates.

This information must be obtained, maintained and managed fairly and with respect for the dignity of the individual to which it relates. Individuals providing information should be advised of the general purpose for which the information is sought, and how it may be used in the future.

At the same time, information supplied by individuals is expected to be, to the best of their knowledge, true and accurate.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Pi will not use or disclose personal information about an individual for a purpose other than the purpose for which that information was collected or a secondary purpose which the individual would reasonably expect the information to be used for. In particular, Pi must not sell or otherwise provide unauthorised access to such information to anyone.

The only exceptions to the above are where:

  • the information is solicited as evidence in court;
  • Pi has permission from the individual to disclose such information; or
  • the individual's health, safety or general well-being may be reasonably thought to be at risk by non-disclosure.

Organisations seeking confirmation of employment or other personal information about a current or former employee are required to post or email their request on their organisation’s letterhead, to Pi and provide permission from the employee concerned to release such information.

Storage of Personal Information

For practical reasons, personal information will be maintained and will form part of Pi’s secure record system.

Any person responsible for the maintenance or use of personal information must ensure that the information is adequately protected against:

  • loss;
  • damage; or
  • unauthorised use, modification, or disclosure.

Openness about Personal Information

On request by an individual, Pi will take reasonable steps to let an individual know generally:

  • what sort of personal information it holds about the individual;
  • for what purposes; and
  • how it collects, holds, uses and discloses the information.

Access to Personal Information

Subject to reasonable requests, individuals will have access to review personal records relating to them, except where:

  • providing access would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals;
  • the request for access is frivolous or vexatious;
  • the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between Pi and the individual and the information would not be accessible by their process of discovery in those proceedings;
  • providing access would prejudice Pi in relation to negotiations with the individual;
  • providing access would be unlawful;
  • denying access is required or authorised by law; or
  • providing access would be likely to prejudice an investigation of possible unlawful activity.

Where for any reason Pi denies access to information, it will provide reasons for the denial.

Correction of Personal Information

If an individual establishes to Pi that personal information held by Pi about the individual is not accurate, complete and up to date, Pi will take reasonable steps to correct the information so that it is accurate, complete and up to date.

If for some reason Pi and an individual disagree about whether the information is accurate, complete and up to date, Pi will, upon request by an individual, take reasonable steps to associate with the information a statement from the individual claiming that the information is not accurate, complete or up to date.

Sensitive Information

‘Sensitive information’ is health information or personal information or an opinion about an individual’s:

  • racial or ethnic origin; or
  • political opinions; or
  • membership of a political association; or
  • religious beliefs or affiliations; or
  • philosophical beliefs; or
  • membership of a professional or trade association; or
  • membership of a trade union; or
  • sexual preferences or practices; or
  • criminal record.

Pi will not collect sensitive information about an individual unless:

  • the individual has consented; or
  • the collection is required by law; or
  • the collection is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life of any individual, where the individual whom the information concerns is physically or legally incapable of consenting to the collection; or physically cannot communicate to consent to the collection; or
  • the information is necessary to provide a health service to the individual and the information is collected: 
    • as required by law; or
    • in accordance with rules established by competent health or medical bodies that deal with obligations of professional confidentiality that bind Pi

Links to Other Websites

Our website contains links to other websites.  Pare not responsible for the management of the privacy practices or the management of the content of these sites.

Method of Disposal

All personal information must be disposed of in a manner that ensures the privacy of the individual to whom it relates. Destruction will usually be by means of shredding, burning, or secure disposal by registered waste contractors.

Compliance and Complaints

Pi has a complaints handling process in place to manage privacy risks and issues. This process is designed to:

  • identify and address any request for information or complaints;
  • increase consumer confidence in Pi’s privacy procedures; and
  • help build and preserve Pi’s reputation and business.

Any party that knows about or suspects a privacy breach must immediately report it to Catherine Moores, Operations Manager catherine@peopleintelligence.com.au
